Online gallery of Japanese contemporary art

For Grey by Toshio Shibata

For Grey

For Grey


Artist: Toshio Shibata
Size:H10.9 x W14.4in (H27.8 x W36.5cm)No Frame
Image Size:H9.6 x W12.0 in (H24.5 x W30.5 cm)
Year: 2009
Delivery Time:2 weeks
Provided in the partnership with:Akio Nagasawa

Price: US$1,440 + Shipping fee
USA/Canada +US$57
Europe +US$65
Asia/Aus +US$42

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Sceneries that we have past by
Shibata captures dynamic and powerful sceneries in a very meticulous way. Surprisingly, all of the photos were taken from places accessible to anyone. It means that we might have passed by these sceneries. In this series “For Grey”, both nature and artificial objects such as dams or concrete blocks are captured in one frame. It is not protesting against the destruction of the environment, but it depicts how all of the elements, such as water, grass, rocks, concrete blocks, guardrails or roads exist as a pattern in one image.

No nationality
The other interesting thing about his work is that nationality is not visible in his work. Among the 40 images in the photobook “For Grey”, 2 of them were taken in the US. However, it is hard to tell whether the photos were taken in Japan or the US. The image above was taken in Kakikawa Town, Hokkaido, 2009. As well as the nationality, we do not see any age in the photographs which were actually taken between 2004 and 2009.

No manipulation
How he cut out the view is very tactical. Some images look like they were manipulated to create a 2 dimensional image which is very flat and like a designed graffic art. Lines created by concrete roads, grass, splashing water or stones are placed as if Shibata ordered. Of course, all of the images were not manipulated at all.

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sheet of the photograph

signature on the back the photograph. edition number will differ.

photograph and the book “For Grey” are packaged in special case.


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inside of the book “For Grey”

Learn more about Toshio Shibata
View all works by Toshio Shibata
Tags: photograph,photobook, Akio Nagasawa