Online gallery of Japanese contemporary art

4664by Masanao Hirayama




Artist: Masanao Hirayama
Size: H11.7xW16.5in (H29.7xW42cm, image size)
Year: 2013
Edition: original
Medium: pen on paper
Signed: on the back
Delivery Time: 2 weeks
Provided in the partnership with: MA2 Gallery

Price: US$430 + Shipping fee
USA/Canada +US$57
Europe +US$65
Asia/Aus +US$42

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Hirayama is an artist who uses a simple medium – a black pen and paper, but how he draws is quite unique. He draws a large number of the same images repeatedly until he feels as if it goes beyond his intention. After drawing many different times, he chooses one as his final work and titles it with a consecutive number of his completed works. In our interview he said, “If I could draw like someone else, that would be perfect. …. I try to choose a work which is out of my control.”

Hirayama’s works play with our perception or recognition. If the shape looks like a clock, it is a clock for that viewer. What does this work looks like to you? It is interesting that when there are two shapes drawn together, we start to think of their relationship, try to understand the situation or assign a meaning to them. Hirayama must be playing with human habits.

Learn more about Masanao Hirayama
View all works by Masanao Hirayama
Tags: drawing, MA2 Gallery