Online gallery of Japanese contemporary art

Gallerist talks about Soji Yamakawa

We interviewed Mr. Nanzuka, Gallery owner of Nanzuka Underground, about the artist Soji Yamakawa.

We interviewed Mr. Nanzuka, Gallery owner of Nanzuka Underground, about the artist Soji Yamakawa.

What is in the video
-Were these drawings taken from a comic book?
-When did he draw these works?
-What qualities define Yamakawa’s works?
-Does he use children’s encyclopedias as a guide when drawing animals and dinosaurs?
-Is the theme of Yamakawa’s works “A hero”?

Editor’s Note
The artist Soji Yamakawa was an artist who encouraged the younger in the post war era. In the outtake of this movie, Mr. Nanzuka talked that he was a largehearted man that he bought out his favorite sushi restaurant whole!

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