Online gallery of Japanese contemporary art

Gallerist talks about Kosuke Tsumura

We interviewed Mr. Nanzuka, Gallery owner of Nanzuka Underground, about the artist Kosuke Tsumura.

We interviewed Mr. Nanzuka, Gallery owner of Nanzuka Underground, about the artist Kosuke Tsumura.

We interviewed Mr. Nanzuka, Gallery owner of Nanzuka Underground, about the artist Kosuke Tsumura.

What is in the video
-What made Tsumura decide to knit cords for his works?
-Could you tell us the story about “code blanket”?
-Did he see the cord blanket as a kind of clothing?
-What’s Tsumura like in person?
-Does Tsumura differentiate between himself as a fashion designer and as an artist?

Editor’s Note
We are really surprised to know the weight of the code blanket! The weight is … the answer is in the interview.

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