Online gallery of Japanese contemporary art

ooparts BF by Yutaka Watanabe

ooparts BF

ooparts BF


Artist:?Yutaka Watanabe
Size:?H20.8xW17.9in (H53.0xW45.5cm, image size)
Year: 2013
Medium:?oil on canvas
Signed:?on the back of canvas
Delivery Time: 2 weeks
Provided in the partnership with:?Tomio Koyama Gallery

Price: US$1,800 + Shipping fee
USA/Canada +US$160
Europe +US$180
Asia/Aus +US$120

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Watanabe creates a joyful space in his painting. In the space, many kinds of shapes are floating or balancing as if they are playing around. Some shapes are like birds and others are like ropes. He has intentionally drawn a shape which does not look like a specific something. How you will recognized the shape depends on what you pull out from your experience.

He answered to?our interview?that “I provide a shape as a hint and the viewers can understand the shapes from their own experiences. That’s an exciting thing. Some may see a face in my painting, when others don’t. It depends on their experiences.


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View all works by Yutaka Watanabe
Tags: drawing, Tomio Koyama Gallery