Online gallery of Japanese contemporary art

planetarium in daytime, looking up under the tree by Nana Funo

planetarium in daytime, looking up under the tree

planetarium in daytime, looking up under the tree


Artist: Nana Funo
Size:?H20.8xW20.8in (H53xW53cm, image size)
Year: 2011
Medium:?acrylic, dye, gesso on canvas
Signed: on the back
Delivery Time: 2 weeks
Provided in the partnership with:Tomio Koyama Gallery

Price: US$3,200 + Shipping fee
USA/Canada +US$95
Europe +US$110
Asia/Aus +US$70

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Nana Funo paints with acrylic as a base of her works, and creates layers of texture by using ink, gesso, acrylic paint and masking fluid. These layers, produced by repetitive masking, consist of decorative patterns, animals and plants, figures and landscapes, and appear as an intricate final image. You can see how she works in?her studio in Azito’s interview.

The world of imagination and the stories in which that she indulged in her childhood are recreated on canvas, sometimes as nightmares or personal memories of her family. Another source of her images is her sketchbook, in which she draws everyday for 3-5 hours. The drawings in her sketchbook imply unlimited possibilities for the canvas.

Learn more about Nana Funo
View all works by Nana Funo
Tags: painting, Tomio Koyama Gallery


