Online gallery of Japanese contemporary art

Untitled (10) by Etsuko Fukaya

Untitled (10)

Untitled (10)


Artist: Etsuko Fukaya
Size:?H15.1 x W8.5in (H38.4 x W21.5cm, image size)
Sheet Size:?H20.5 x W14.8 in (H52 x W37.5cm) No Frame
Year: 2005
Delivery Time:?3 weeks
Provided in the partnership with:?YAMAMOTO GENDAI

Price: US$1,600 + Shipping fee
USA/Canada +US$40
Europe +US$50
Asia/Aus +US$30

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“I want to draw what is alive” says Fukaya – and for her, this means that capturing every hair of an animal’s fur, every platelet of a fish’s scales, every marking on a flower’s petals is essential to her pursuit. Thus, she chose etching as her ideal medium, favoring its ability to create the most precise linework. Pushing this medium to its limits, Fukaya achieves the finest lines. Yet, maintaining that “a magnifying object would be an obstacle between herself and her work,” Fukaya relentlessly overworks her own naked eyes to produce artworks. In imparting such intense energy, her creatures appear to sing with an overflowing vivacity.

In the field of contemporary art, where large works practically reign, Fukaya’s works take a smaller form, with the majority of the pieces fitting within a12 in. x 12 in. (30cm x 30cm) framework. In this compact space, rich worlds emerge and it is impossible to tire of any one of her works, even after staring a single piece for hours.

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Details of the flowers which the animal is facing above.

Detail of the surface of mythic plant

Detail of the root of mythic plant.


Detail of the mythic giraffe and the camellia.

Learn more about Etsuko Fukaya
View all works by Etsuko Fukaya
Tags: etching, YAMAMOTO GENDAI